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The Original Mindfulness Syllabus
- Original Scriptural definition
- Contemporary Psychological definition
Meditation Practice
Samatha / Breath Observation
Vipassana / Insight Meditation
Founding Principles 
- The Four Noble Truths
- The Three Marks of Existence
- The Sanskrit Yoga Sutras (Patanajali)
Pychotherapeutic Practices
- Externalising the internal experience
- Contextualising a framework for working with the mind
Developing a Home Practice
Practical tips & take-home resources

Mindfulness and compassion have gained recent popularity thanks to evidence provided by Neuroscientific findings in MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imagery).


So much so, in fact, that mindfulness is the preferred technique recommended by registered psychologists today?


Many practitioners and scholars refer to the origin of mindfulness, but few have the time or inclination to research further.


Original mindfulness is defined as the authoritative instruction in the practice of yoga, as per recorded Sanskrit teachings. 


The origin of mindfulness is a fascinating exploration which gives context and meaning to the mindfulness technique.  Many report the ability to - not only manage or cope with stress - but address it at the underlying core.  


Book your 12 x 1hr Private Coaching in Mindfulness here


The Contemporary definition of Mindfulness: 


“Paying attention;. On purpose,. in the present moment, and. non-judgmentally.” 


- Jon Kabat-Zinn



The Original definition of Mindfulness:


"Contemplating body as body,

contemplating feelings as feelings,

contemplating mind as mind,

contemplating mind-objects as mind-objects,

ardent, clearly aware and mindful,

having put aside hankering and fretting for the world." 


- The Greater Discourse on the Foundations of Mindfulness.

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